Wednesday 28 April 2010

The Last Blog

Well as usual I cannot believe that we are actually done with this semester in about two days (today doesn't count because it already started!). I also feel that I seem to always say the same thing in each of my last blogs for any Dr. Sexson class, it was amazing.

For me it is not just what I learn from Dr. Sexson, which is always more then I can say, but also from my fellow students. Rarely do you have a class in which the student's thoughts and not just the professors are used to build and add to the community of knowledge that the class can offer to you. I always seem to take away so much that can be used in other classes to come.

I also love that I usually leave a Dr. Sexson class and have my massive list of movies and books to enjoy over the break that lies ahead. Dr. Sexson's classes really do not end but are continued on throughout your time at MSU and beyond. Even my mother is, I am sure, tired of how much I call her and tell her what happened in class today. Rarely does that happen on a daily basis when you leave class and you are still excited over what you just learned.

I have to say that Emergent Lit was one of my favorite classes this semester, and mostly because I wasn't sure what to expect. The idea of low and high brow was kind of illusive to me and I was not sure how this could be interesting, but then again I can't believe I doubted Dr. Sexson! I loved this class and all the themes we covered. I am continually amazed on how much Dr. Sexson's classes cram into one semester. I think I won't remember much of what we went over, but then I am in another class and it comes back to me and I am in lecture all over again!

AS many of you have guessed that are new to Dr. Sexson's classes, he does have a kind of "posse" if you will. There is a group of us English majors that just follow him around throughout our college career, and never look back! I hope most of you are now addicted and take his classes as they arise. I am sorry to say that I cannot take anything next semester because I already took those classes, but perhaps in the spring when I am trying to take that one last class I discovered I needed to graduate!

So thank you Dr. Sexson and thank you to my fellow classmates for the past semester. I am always a little sad leaving these classes, but I know there are more to come. Hope everyone has a great summer break, and I know I plan to sleep for the first full week of it! Oh and most likely reread The Following Story at least a few more times!



P.S. I know I forgot to post my Finnegans Wake page and I was planning to do it this morning. Well I forgot it at home, so sorry about that! If any one wants to see it for some reason just ask!

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