Sunday, 28 February 2010

We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep. (4.1.156-8)

I have not read The Tempest in quite a while and the last time that I saw it performed was by Shakespeare in the Parks in Ashland, Oregon several years ago. But after reading it this past weekend I remembered that it is one of my favorites, and that Prospero is one of my favorite Shakespeare characters, besides Horatio of course.

Since I feel that I do not have anything profound to say at this time I thought I would mention something I remembered while I was reading. By the time I was through Act 1 I thought of a past New Yorker article I read. The article was from an issue earlier this year and in it was a short blurb on Christopher Plummer and that fact that he has moved back into the Algonquin Hotel in New York. But anyways, the reason I bring up this random fact is that in the article it mentioned that Plummer will be playing Prospero in the Stratford Shakespeare Festival in Ontario this year! What a coincidence, or is it? The odds are one in three, or so I am told!

I love Christopher Plummer (Captain Von Trapp! mmm hmmm)and was just struck by the coincidence that we would be reading this and a production would be happening this year. So nothing profound about The Tempest yet but that will come later as we get into discussion of it, I hope. For now just a sighting in the everyday world.

P.S. The pictures above are Plummer as Prospero, and just a picture I found that came up when I did an image search for The Tempest.

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